Monday, May 30

The Anointing of the Spirit

The Anointing of the Spirit
2 Chron. 24:20

       There is a lot of confusion about the work of the Holy Spirit.  In our text we read of the Spirit coming upon Zechariah.  Let us notice what this is not.  It is not the indwelling of the Spirit.  No Christian should pray to be indwelt by the Spirit, because every Christian is indwelt by the Spirit.  If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.  Indwelling of the Spirit is salvation.  It is not the guiding of the Spirit.  Spirit guidance is a wonderful experience, but I haven't time to deal with that in this writing.  It is not the baptism of the Spirit.  That was done at Pentecost when our Lord Baptized His waiting church.  We are usually taught that was the time when the Holy Spirit came for the first time to indwell believers.  That is not what happened at Pentecost.  There is not one word in Acts 2: about the indwelling of the Spirit.  It says they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.

       This Spirit coming upon Zechariah was an anointing of the Spirit.  Whenever the term came or coming of the Spirit upon one is used in the Old Testament, it speaks of the anointing.  This anointing gives boldness to the person anointed to minister for God.  It usually is followed with the person immediately proceeding to do what he was anointed for.  It may, however, be followed by a price.  In our text here Zechariah was stoned.

       In the Old Testament the filling of the Spirit was a preparation for a work to be done.  Anointing usually went farther than just preparation; it usually was followed  by the anointed one proceeding immediately to carry out the task.  In the New Testament it is probably impossible to distinguish between anointing and filling of the Spirit.  They blend into the same thing.

       The filling of the Spirit is needed because of what it produces.  A look at Eph. 5:19-21 will show 3 evidences of the Holy Spirit in ones life, and neither of them is speaking in tongues.  The three evidences are singing, a greatful heart, and a submissive spirit.  The filling of the Spirit is needed to empower the Church.  That is what happened at Pentecost.

       Then comes the question of how to be filled with the spirit.  Some say empty yourself and pray until God fills you.  That can be dangerous.  You could be filled with an evil spirit.  So then how can we be filled with the Spirt.  After all in Eph. 5:18 Paul commanded us to be filled.  To be filled with the Spirit let the word of Christ dwell richly in you.  Col. 3:16.  There Paul tells the Colossians to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly, and then the same 3 evidences of Eph. 5:19-21 are seen to follow.  Again it is singing, a greatful heart, and a submissive spirit.  Now make much of the word of Christ.  Read it, study it, memorize it, and make it a part of your life.

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