Sunday, March 27

Stop! Examine Yourself

2 Cor. 13:5

       Here is a verse that is most generally ignored. Many will look back to a time when they prayed a prayer, joined a church, or was baptized, and they think because of one or more of these they are saved eternally and cannot miss heaven. Here the apostle sounds the cry, examine yourselves. The apostle would approve them through his apostleship. He had been faithful to reprove their sin :1, 2. They had questioned his apostleship :3. He offered Christ's crucifixion and weakness as the answer for our weakness and strength :4.  This examination is not because they may have been saved and then lost it.  It is to make sure they have it and are persevering in the faith.

        So he challenged them to prove themselves. He urged their personal examination :5. That is not to examine other Christians but to put one's self to test. Do you ever examine yourself in relation to your claim to glory? Our Lord's preservation is comforting for sure, but we are to test ourselves as to whether we be in the faith :5. Are you sure that Christ is in you :5?

        There are some things his readers must know. They must know that they are not reprobate :6. Now we too must make sure we are not reprobates :7. Let us be assured that truth will always prevail :8. The apostle desired the perfection or final glorification of his present readers as well as all of us who follow :9-14.

        This challenge is like that of the apostle Peter when he commanded us to make our calling and election sure.

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