Sunday, October 15

Daniel in the Lions' Den

Daniel in the Lions' Den

Dan. 6:16


          This verse tells us that Daniel was cast into the den of lions.  What was Daniel's problem?  Why would they want to cast him there?  He was indwelt by the Spirit and was admired by the king.  He lived a blameless life :4.  His problem was his religion.  They could not force him to bow at the king's shrine.  His enemies declared that they could not find occasion against him except it be against the law of his God.


          His persecutors were allied with the state :6-9.  They came up with the idea that if any one prayed to anyone other than the king for 30 days, that they should be cast into the den of lions, and they asked the king to sign such a decree, which he did.  Daniel would not pray to the king.  Instead he continued to pray 3 times a day to his God, Jehovah.  This was a rebuke to his persecutors.  Their hatred was manifested as they then sought the king's action in casting Daniel into the den of lions.  Let it be noted that our Lord's people have always been a hated people.


          Can we glorify God in our trials?  Some erroneously think God will protect them from all harm.  Job suffered much loss.  Many are the martyrs who gave their lives to be true to our God.  Then sometimes He is pleased to protect His saints.  Even here, though Daniel was expected to be eaten alive by the lions, God shut the lions' mouths so they could not hurt him.  We must honor God and trust Him whatever may be the results.  He will always do right.

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